This is the Pro version of the ME/CFS Diary Smart Phone App. This version is new and upgraded. The ME/CFS Diary Smart Phone App is suitable for: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis and Lyme disease. Or any condition in which exhaustion/fatigue is a dominant factor affecting daily activity with multiple occurring symptoms.
The app allows you to:• Calculate a working Activity Baseline to give an individual guide for reducing boom and bust patterns• Monitor exhaustion and any number of ME/CFS related symptoms the individual would like to include• Input a daily record of energy domains to promote Activity Switching• Generate a measurable report in the form of an email, that can be reviewed and acted upon by health and medical professionals• Add a daily comment to add qualitative aspects including thoughts and feelings to your reports
Support ME Research with the ME Diary. An annual 10% of the profit from sales of the ME Diary will be donated to Biomedical Research for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). ME is a poorly understood and poorly researched condition requiring complex solutions. The ME Dairy Team support well established organisations to help fund research into the scientific cause, bio markers and biological treatments for those suffering from this chronic condition. The results from the ME Diary will also help researchers further understand the condition and the impact it has on sufferers.
The ME Diary Team believes ME to be an organic disease of unknown origin. For this reason lifestyle changes and modifying behaviour may not help all those affected by this progressive illness. It is an exciting time for science and technology. As scientific progress steps forward at alarming rates, so does the benefit to Biomedical Science.
With adequate and focused investment in research, it may not be long before suitable treatments for ME are tested and approved. The ME Diary Team would like to be part of this positive movement and will continue to support Biomedical Research into ME.
In union with supporting Biomedical Research the ME Diary Team will endeavour to work with each and every user of the ME Diary to further develop the software application’s usefulness and research and treatment potential.